Building Confidence Being Twin Flame Union

Extreme frequency variation of electro-magnetic energetics forming a dynamic push and pull is a signature mechanism of Sacred Union. The multi-sensory integration and the subsequent over haul within all aspects is intense and powerful enough to pull the strongest of Beings off center. The pulling off center is the delving deep aspect of reflection and realization that we are to reorder discordance from within the root of our consciousness spectrum, resolving patterning, working in tandem with an integral soul aspect.flower-goddess

The stimulation of discordance as contrast to twin flame love or unity is enough to propel many a dormant pattern into full blown activation for reorder. As the various anti life sustaining patterns surface for reorder these aspects are interconnected through the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

It is no wonder one feels absolutely thrown out of sorts and looks to the activator of this upheaval, the counterpart, as the root cause of the discordance. But they are merely the mechanism , the incentive, the guides as they are mirroring/calling/displaying/signaling/indicating/highlighting bringing your awareness to the presence of imbalance as represented through static interference between the union pair which requires adjustment within your autonomous aspect self and the unified state. Through the recognized and amended variances updates are reverberated back to counterpart and to the Whole. Twin unions hold various agreements to reorder collective, cosmic , soul , spiritual aspect patterning. This plan of Twin Flame union is so divine as it represents the perfect partnership to invoke correction within the multidimensional spectrum.starrange

As multidimensional beings streaming, we are allocated to various stations. Our counterpart energetics of soul can span and bridge our energetics where required, they can serve as lifelines while we experience through Fall. They can as well accentuate Fall dynamics so as we delve in deeper to discordant patterns.

As we sit in 3d our perspectives our higher dimensional realities can be totally obscured or skewed via distortions and lag. The vastness of our Being and our lack of full insight plays havoc within our realities if not brought into a conscious frame work for reference. Twin Flame union templating should not be underestimated in its power to transform, accentuate, and mitigate energetics. Fundamental miasmas of separation are key flare areas for twin flames such as trust, betrayal, abandonment and self sabotage.

Building an energetic infrastructure of Self and then extending out into the hub of the Union can establish a fortification and deeper comprehension of your individual and counter part dynamics. When the storms erupt to have an established system of navigation serves to assist the balancing and unification process fortifying the Being. ro

So when the energies start to surge and the connections start to fry and burn out knowing how to integrate the reorder, by releasing the discharge and assimilating the activations are key fundamental processes to this divine embodiment hence the integration of conscious energetic practices to assist all bodies can be beneficial to this mission template.

Therefore the confidence within Union is expressed via the confidence in self within full knowing all  acclimatizes to balance even within the seemingly disconnect of pair bodies here and beyond as right order is the guidance, the innate knowing of what Is, therefore all else can and may Fall.

Confidence is Knowing that Union can and will always resurrect through all instances of Being.

Reconciliation of Twin Flame Dynamics

The balance, the neutral point of Being, is the constant return point dynamic for those Beings whom encompass the Twin Flame Union Templating. Templating is an energetic infrastructure of a specific frequency set which houses dynamics to assist correction through many planes of life or of existence and non existence.

A template serves as a dynamic and an housing infrastructure used by the soul template to facilitate a specific range or dynamic of mission. Within Twin Flame energetics, beings are fundamentally acting as polarity integrator. Beings whom work to balance polarities of masculine feminine as well as higher order disproportions serving as a divine attuners rendering neutrality and correction.purplesit

Twins by nature are working to harmonize all polarity and imbalance which is represented as energies outside of union, outside the spectrum of unification, of the one. Where is the One not whole, where is integration and rebalancing required. Within off shoots of various patterns which represent disorder such as victim-persecutor programs, have and have not programs , family of origin imbalances, karmic harmonization, the twins through the template of unification based on fundamental heart centered love will actualize correction by extension of nature.


The New energies or new grids of union are now present on Earth through the various stations of vibrational alignment we acquiesce into our harmonized stations. The Twin Flames are now rebuilding the earth energetics infrastructure which will uphold core fundamental principal energetics for the inter-relational existences of pure tone realities. Once anchored by the twins broadcast hubs are set and all others can then tone to the new frequency broadcasts thus upgrading the entire frequency bands of the earth and beyond the twins are within divine mission.


Time and Space are a good Thing

Many beings of the light feel constricted and delayed and seemly push against time and space instead of using it as a most valuable tool for actualizing right order into form.


Within the time space realities we are seemingly disconnected from higher vision and insight and bombarded with programs and distortions which loop and play with our energy. Pulling us here and there further out in turn pulling our energy outwards establishing needy and holding stances. This is where we as the light beings can say a giant NO and step out of the manifested programs and mind traps by turning to instead what feels right to us even if the mind can not create proper sequence and make logical sense.

When this intercept occurs and we keep getting nudged that something is not right, yet but but but we cant fully identify it for all the random looping…it is time to consider right use of time and space. So within a relationship dynamic where many disordered patterns coexist there exists a space of time and space allocation in that right order stands the test of time…..and right order will be on the other side of pause and break….yet discordance falls because it can not self source and thrive once the bonds are moved into separation of time space.


So a true process of invocation of trust, faith and knowing would be to apply the test of time. Open the spans, walk away , even in some instances this has to be done quickly to make a clear break and one can in love create an intention outline to the counterpart that one is taking divine space and time to just be which  is absolutely perfect and highly recommended.

Time will show you the shadows, time will show you where people stop, where paths deviate and that is perfect as this is nature and right order. Those whom we still have higher work to process and are of integral vibration to us will meet us on the otherside. During these days of intense pattern clearing and reorder the physical reallocation of energy is an extension of the higher energetic dynamic clearing. *Remember it is always Self, even within twin flame energetics , we must love self first and be whole and work to our completion or union.