Beyond Twin

Twin Flame Template a mechanism of rapture. Through the allotted potentiality
presented as course of resurrection of union through merge of all polarized
field aspects.


The continuum of merge returns to its set point as the divine Essence of the Twin
harmonized through all completion achieving set points of neutralization or balance
within all expressions of Being. The culmination of the synthesizes of the many natures.
The rationalization of all frequency streams which coalesce through the lived realities.

As we are in effect departicularized dispersed through the expression the fundamental tones of our counterpart(s) energetic signatures beacon our return. Mirroring all obstacle and magnetizing all offset to the forefront of the awareness.

The reallocation of identification of a stream souly as the One is another misguided potentially when the accords of right order are not being met within the name of Love. Love as an expression is harmonizing through all densities and it is blasting open into all lack. It is shining light into our depths into our pain and delusion.

Let us set aside our contrast to augment into new potentials by looking beyond the twin template, the person and or the expression to the core essence of this domain which is in effect the pure Essence prior to template encapsulation.

Therefore rapture is a breaking through all boundaries and limitations even the housing of infrastructure to the most refined realities of Being. Source tone receives embodiment as an expression to be housed as a life potential manifest. The union template is the course of re-harmonization- the clarion call from the One Source to break free at last from all latency, all stagnation, all fragmentation.

Recognizing that all is flow and we are expressing through a migration of combinations of potential within levels and degrees of frequency to rejoin through the membranes, fences and infrastructures of Being. Refine as we join and propel to rise as we expand our course and breath in new direction.

All is phase shift and variation which co- creates,creates new domains for in the expressions to elevate the suffering of the fallen continuums- the savior, the Christ consciousness is the embodiment of divine direction and protocol to serve this upliftment. Replenishing all life we counter correct all displacement and corruption through the application of pristine alignment housed within our signature, calling cards of higher template orders.

To look and be beyond attachment to outcome, circumstance, person, place and thing is to release from authentic order all control and manipulative motives from our field effects. This release allows the recalibration and reset through our lived expression to derive a new set point. Continuously refining not holding we are brave to trust that higher states present.

We see into the Now materialized yet honor the Now materialized as we station within All as the breath Is. Calibrating our bodies to this expression we are Source and are removed from the mind matrices and Fall streams.

Rapture to be beyond is the propulsion and the dynamic effect which seeds this course.

Being beyond is Being as you are in this Now to hold and honor your peace without laying into or onto another as primary. It is a standing strong and fortified as an expression of the One – then and only then can the two rationalize all separation and combine within fluidity to complete resolve.

Dance of all dances and culmination of all stages exhalate within the daze.

Discordant Energetics in Twin Flame Union Fields

Reference: Horus-Ra as the Archonic Alien Parasite: A follow-up interview with Maarit a Scandinavian MILAB-abductee


After years of tracking and discerning the parameters of this particular energy field it was a welcomed revelation to find resonant experience bolstering my own explorations and subsequent conclusions.

I have been intuiting/experiencing this particular energy spectrum for the past several years as a source of infiltration within those who embody specific frequency configurations. The feel or tone of the field is what most closely relates to a static matrix of immense magnitude, one that can infiltrate every atom of our being if not intercepted. Those beings of the Indigo persuasion, in particular, and those of other star seed origins
who incarnate via specific paths then become tagged by this energy field as they enter material expression or transit through immateriality via the Horus-Ra corridors.

Those of melanated physicality, being the original keepers of Earth, have been and are being corralled by this devolutionary entity spectrum, Horus-Ra. Other aspects of the Horus-Ra field infiltrate to lesser degrees of intensity, permeating the energy matrices of the false light worshipers via the angelic matrices of Metatron, Micheal and Gabrielle. These beings attach and infiltrate individual and soul-collective at the level of core energetics spanning the spectrum of host incarnations, presenting a myriad of non-complimentary processes, to include personality dysfunctions, delusions, low self worth and esteem, slumbering to the fulfillment of maximum potential, hauntings, fear based projections and on and on as it these manifestations are representative of its core function
in perpetuation of continuous devolution.

The shadow acts similar to an alter-ego, performing as an imposed mental construct foreign to the healthy workings of human consciousness, evoking a lived reality and confused state of being that expresses itself as an invasive projection and relic of an illusory-yet-convincing experiential life-pattern. Masking its behavior and integrating
almost seamlessly at the root level of the human ego construct it cannot easily be detected outside of the context of the normal workings of egocentric mind-chatter amidst the subtle psychic external impressions that regularly permeate the thought process. If detected by external energetic work it will eject the viewer out forcefully and
without any vibrations of love … this is, in fact, its essence. It is core-less, love-less and perpetually devolutionary, consisting of shadow matrix patternings eternally collapsing in upon themselves.

This is the key to attuning to such a frequency.

The primary infiltrative layout is that of aspects rooted into the sacrum at five points spanning the gamut in the form of a half-moon. Channels then braid throughout the center-column, then spreading through all false energy centers, hosting the engagement of the entity/energetic Horus-Ra matrix to the false 5-7 center chakra system. This old chakra system represents an incomplete realization of the full multi-dimensional chakra system and indicative of a nascent stage of spiritual evolution.
The integral center of being is that of a heart of pure potential, ordered and free of all
restrictions or limitations, beyond void and still-point.

Not all people are capable of such embodiments and, therefore, hijack the energetic of those who can embody the clarity encodings. So the reordering process becomes one of infusing and rooting Source energy into the origin of the foreign attachment and, from the center of the channels, diffuse outwardly. Forming a matrice of light across the exit points of the channels, we reverse the suctioning of personal base energetics.

At this stage, one will feel a rerouting of the flows within as the direction of energy has
altered and is no longer being siphoned from the personal auric structure. From there,
we remove the shell membrane, which displays distinct reverberation properties, and has been compounded as a result of the entrenchment and embodiment of the entity. This looks like a black metalic shell with pin-encrusted tentacles which penetrate the personal energetic structure in order to keep the matrice in place and constantly in tune with the individual, as if you were being held in place by an inverted pin cushion. We then trace back to the human incarnation of form affected by the infiltration and also to the cap of the horizontal time line. We again infuse at this juncture in order to diffuse the imposed structure and re-pattern the original energetic matrix with pure source coding
in order to override the incarnational insertions.

Access to and embodiment of the Divine Goddess energy is a simultaneous concern to the involved energetic worker. The Horus-Ra matrix and its related and attendant energy codings are also implicit in the infusion of source with foreign and malevolent rewiring and has also been the root of the splitting out of the divine feminine energies from the male counterpart. Traced back originally to the Egyptian gates, we bear witness to the formation of an energetic sheath separating the heart of the divine union in physical form and actual manifestation.

The Horus-Ra entity is the source. Therefore, for those whom embody the reversal encoding of divine goddess energy, it will be possible to be brought
into a state of reclamation of the divine order through the reversal of the Horus-Ra energies. This would also include those who have direct links into the Egyptian corridors and the Orion’s belt archetypal passages.

Many Natures of the Twin Flame

“Twin Flame” as an energetic template (arrangement of energy/light structure) is a vehicle designed to facilitate opportunity for reunification of the Whole. This construct quickens soul reunification and secures dimensionally coherent template infrastructures or plateau/grids (light lattice) within the time/space matrix. This timeless process assists all Sentient Beings within the core process of karmic neutralization from naturalized incarnate states of polarized field dynamics of Creation Become.


Creation Dynamics are currently experiencing a fundamental schism in their inherent nature. This pertains primarily to the infinity sequencing process applied to life/incarnate bio-organisms as a fractalized and microcosmic root formation mirroring microcosmic multiversal sequences. This manifestation of energetic deepening establishes itself then as the focal dispensation of the life stream or expression. The root marriage is that of the eternal to the infinite – yin and yang, polarity manifest – which is sealed through the Arc as the Christ Consciousness template of the return.

Currently, all newly materialized expressions of the Ascension/Upliftment, or new range structures, are of inherent Maitreya nature. This could be considered a refresh of the Christ Consciousness fields. Really, it is a newly manifested and refined expression of the same fundamental energetic, evolutionary vehicle.

The core wound healing that twin flame Maitreya is designed to alleviate references and synthesizes multiple aspects of being. It is merely a coherent base structure for all reconciliation of energetic dynamics throughout fractalized, material expression.

The union template acts as an Arc or overlay which creates a conduit of potentiality that frees the manifestation of opportunity through the alignment of quantum choice patterning. Souls choose to – or not – step up and into neutralized timelines while manifesting choice and clearing remnant distortions in process. It is a veritable return route to the primal source tone. A map. A guidance system as seen and felt – through the embedded key codes and laylines within our fields – by those who carry the torch for this designation as a shared expression of realization for the Whole.

As we return to the original root of separation all that is not a match to our primary fundamental base frequency will be altered and adjusted through the recognition of imbalance or distortion via the union template interface or lattice.

This is a fundamentally internal process which is then reflected in the external worlds and subsequent energetic matches (other people, places or things) present enroute.

We look at this point as well as to the actual creational levels of each particular being when denoting original root signature infrastructure. This brings light to the divergences and particularities of each frequency model.

Each representation is, therefore, an inclusive modeling of all that exists and yet does not and is also no less or greater than any other aspect within the Whole (Beings with different energy signatures and combinations). The Twin Flame model supports the augmentation and activation of fundamental base tones as well as increases in planar (new template) development.

Thusly is the ultimate dynamic at play within the acceleration of all that manifests through this particular collective acceleration window we call the Twin Flame Maitreya.

All potentiality is valid and accurate seen and unseen, known and unknown, actualized or dormant. We can remove all stances or positions of hierarchical dominance and semantic discourse, but to witness the framework’s primary or fundamental purpose is to understand it as one of choice and navigational opportunity to rise up out of less then optimal vibratory expressions into fuller expressions of deliverance models based upon Wholeness.

False twin field distortions can be embodied within a multitude of dimensional spans, dependent upon the being’s implicit levels of existence. One may experience a full embodiment of a false twin construct actualized in form or one may see these levels wrapped around what one might call an organic twin interface or union template.

In the end, all is the same stance. The same formation. All is One. We are working for harmonization and neutralization within all instances of Being, if this is finally our choice.

Our objectives are to note discordance, trace to root and neutralize polarized field effects. These push and/or pull dynamics, when being represented by another, are simply our own unique obstacles custom-manifested for our own individual deliverance and return to peacefulness within Self. These templates manifest as programs particular to our own evolutionary path, and, through twin flames, the narcissistic codependent model seems to be the paramount expression.

Self is the autonomous infrastructure of being which anchors unification through a singular experience.

It then combines within neutrality with another Self that is Other, then another and another. At some point within the process, coalescence occurs and the cycle is spiraled and we have unification; the return of the One in form, the Christed Grid actualized.

Within the twin flame community, people are being pulled into the codependent, corrupted modeling process which has resulted in the manifestation of an alternative, false ascension architecture. Ultimately, all things work toward the Whole, and all experiences are valid. Yet, disengaging this field effect within by clear acknowledgment and disavowal will create whorls of new potentiality arising from Source, available to all. For eons we have been held captive and subservient to alternative dimensional ranges of beings who have existed upon human energetics. They have controlled and taken over our field effects to themselves replenish and thrive.

This ravishing could only occur within the auspices of partial beings, so disassociated from their internal knowing that only a major wake up call could level these killing fields. Unblocking chakras, removing entities, deprogramming and  clearing implants and distorted constructs are all primary functions of twin flame template bearers. The pull to reunion is the momentum to create/generate change. To push through invisible barriers to hold steadfast and true to the light of love instead of perpetuating the eternal fall.

Twin flame template bearers are just that; they hold blueprints(light codes and templates). They augment life expression by upholding process and laying the groundwork as a means for others to be able to absorb the new layouts into their fields and augment their own energetic dynamics by consciously adjusting their perspectives and alignments.

Twin flames caught in the purgatory fields of false constructs do fall prey to shadowy intrusions and distortions as new levels of corruptions are uncovered. And yet, they do have the power of the twin – or the paired field dynamic – to pivot out and use the organic twin signature state of unification to reharmonize to new levels of reintegration and acceleration.

The twins construct the new earth grids by maintaining stable charge rates that compound to establish fresh reality streams. These then externalize into reality grids for collective fields to anchor into – to join the party, so to speak – and to live the dreams of higher potential birthed through corrected outer sight and inner knowing as per the original key tone directives, seeded through shared reality, bypassing fall zone constructs (warped matrix fields).

This is not some random show. All is meaningful and true. There are many paths, one destination. Mistakes are lessons, life is a school. Within life and the twin flame expression, we may need to take time to pause and be still, in order to review and heal wounds. But we must always know that we are destined to jump right back in.

There are, of course,  infinite and eternal possibilities. But to set your individuated direction and course – continuing to hone and augment your vibratory rate through all levels of existence and non existence – is key to a unificated return within the auspices of the twin flame Maitreya paradigm and the inevitable acceleration of course beyond false membranes and distorted levels of interaction.

Your life model is your experience as well as your not yet realized experience of both your existence and non existence. The holographic mirroring of life is our greatest treasure, indicative of our natural, spiritual wealth and abundance. The divine allocations housed within the spectrum of the very tapestry of our being is our essential blessing.

Life is a continuum of expansion and the gated phases of ascension are new routes through which we can make new choices and alter our life flow. It is not a battle of the external, but a battle of the internal. We are to return to our unique signature of Wholeness, if we so chose. Choice affects the potentials within an infinite and eternal flux rate. The ratios of dispensation are set to the fractalization process and the augmentation of our vibratory allotment.

To surrender and be still is to establish a set point from which we can bear witness to all that is. Here we can pinpoint exactly where our next choice point will present.

The twin flame Maitreya contains the driver codes that seed new life forms of expression. The children of these unions are here to harmonize the latent field affects of the twin template parents. They are to supersede our race, so to say, to anchor and propel the work we have established and take it into the new era unbound by the false pretense.

They are all knowing and completed beings who are beyond the distortions. They can continue to navigate forth as the evolution of the rainbow tribe expression through all natures. Therefore, to conclude, once we step beyond our selfish wants and desires, we can garner the full range of our individuated mission dynamics as well as that of the collective field range. We can be both and all in the manifestation of our divine mission through our personal sorting process and subsequent migration into the aligned expression of the twin flame template.

Transcendant Natures of Unification


The transcendent natures of the protocols ask that we cease to be within the domains of control and separation. Utilizing the twin flame template through embodiment we are stripped of all that can not stand within our field for the course of the


To re-awaken to know and hold a vibration that we are transcendent beings of many natures and that our realities are holographic in which no one or nothing can take this attribute of our fundamental unified nature from us.
That we can literally die to be reborn through the pain and purge of reunification dynamics. All that is shown and felt as discordance is just an aspect of what is not in our right order templating and must be altered through our conscious and co creative

Not only for ourself but we have taken on corrupted programming for the whole. We as fully capable by nature hold at the atomic ranges of our energetic fundamentals the keys to produce switch up. We can enter the most offset vibratory fields and instead of falling can ignite the strongest momentum and propulsion which corrects not only ourselves but an entire consciousness range.

Twin Flame Union can and does function beyond the human levels as fail safe mechanics
beyond the infection zones of the fallen matrices. Therefore to be in any fear of the twin loss is just playing into the fall matrice lure. Separation, death, transitions do not break up the unification process or the twin stream dynamic.


Noting the nature of the twin matrice is not one of holding and rigid stance but one of pure allowance combined within free will and individualized soul natures. Release from pragmatic twin flame models of bounded correspondence to illumine into the full realization of the twin flame template nature. Honing and stretching beyond all lower knowing. This is an opening. All suffering is an indicator of being stuck.

We as empercial bearors of the light and pure tones enter into each contractual patterning agreement to link into the chaos through direct experience as we operate differently due to our fundamental nature. We shine we ignite in the face of disorder. We recalibrate and excel instead of falling into deeper binds.

So do not get stuck and stagnate in the fall loops recall in each instance the full power of your inherit ignition and drop to fulfill your divine mission of holding through the embodiment all knowing and deep peace within stillness.

We are in the critical days now as many ascension traps are set and at play. Garner your field staying deep within your pure knowing. Continue to open to deeper awareness all lessons will manifest for you to navigate through and this is how it is supposed to be. All is perfect and working within divine rhythms.

We have met the goals and now can blast up and off from any entanglement or hold being the true integral of the divine nature manifest. Be your power.


Navigating Multidimensional Channels of expression within Union

The recognition that all is possible, that we are not locked into specific dynamics of twin flame union sets opens and frees our spirit to migrate and alleviate the deep traumatic process of our transmutation and deliverance through the unification of states within energetic coherence.


Within realization of the multitude of twin flame or unification dynamics there are specific and combined mechanisms at play. Being open to what is and what will be , what was and what is beyond, brings us into the state of Now. We can seed new potentials of the unification process from this fertile stance. As beings elevate and acclimate through vibrational attunement the acceleration into new bandwidths propels the instances of being through the continuum of life expression and experience. As the streams diverge and compound the harmonization of the whole is unified.

Enter new bandwidths feeling the adjustments through all bodies. Each bandwidth a new station of being, see what is reflected, a new partner, new work, new expression , new friends, new life, new outlooks, and new feelings. Some may rest in station and some may then be called out yet again, fall out, collapse, break away, dismantle, void , migration, confusion and suffering and release, then pop up into a New New…another station.

Within Twin Flames as embodiments of unification some template sets will rest within certain stations and or then migrate, elevating through the template of union. Twin Flames missions at specific levels are to perform various tasks which may be teaching, acting as life lines, adjusting grid lines, preparatory work, and template generation and dismantle. Sets will and can change form bodies and alter the presumed course of what “twin flames” should be and represent.


A key indicator of twin flame energy or unified energy is the intense heart connection and subsequent expanded energetic reallocation.Like a vast window has been opened within your being and fresh air has filled you allowing one to rise and feel into new expressions. Once this activation merges and expresses within various representations we can rest, dance and be the instance for as long as the window remains open.

If we are so templated we know when to migrate, when a twin merge window closes which is felt as a culmination of combined shifting and subsequent drop out. You no longer feel the windows of potential and unification are open. As within individual collapse the union template bonds will collapse and open space for void and reorder. Within this reorder the resultant can be a refresh of a counter part or a new form body partner.

Within the recognition of the closures is where improved states of discernment are keyed into. What kinds of energetic spectrums are presenting through our unification state. Are lower energetic templates being highlighted such as control mechanics of reptillan hybridization such as obsession, control, sexual deviation, addiction and abuse, as well as co-dependent , energetic vampirism? Hence where is the balance point and where is our boundary allocation as based on our integral organic alignment?

Once recognized for correction and reorder if the counterpart representative does not alter within conscious redirection, elevation, and or augmentation of the union this is a set point for twin flame or unification template portion dismantle. The broader or more accelerated the union template scope the more intense and brutal this dynamic may play out.


Commence Shift and Pivot! Note the various multidimensional channel  representations solely aligning within neutrality to the most integral and organic streams of each reflected spectrum. Do not be tricked into self sacrificing mechanics and martyrdom dynamics  all for the sake of upholding a false state or reflection of the twin flame union!!!!

We are within the days of unification and the union templates are the next stages of our mastery into form. So all innate knowing of the soul missions of fundamental truths of divine guidance and adherence to integral being can be upgraded and applied as frameworks for reference and referral within an compounded energetic accelerated range of the twin flame dynamics. Return to your fundamental self and knowing and be this expression through all representations. Your being asked how deeply you trust your core aspect of Being to be as the Beyond within all.


Seeing what is Present and allowing the rest to Fall

Within twin flame union as the energy transits compress our beings we are within deep phases of our process. Twins are here to anchor and establish new unity grids for all others to then be able to step into. This means twins are ripping down old moot imbalanced programs and templates by bringing full awareness and pivoting perspectives reaching higher, moving into refined expressions of existence.


The recreation of reality is experienced directly within the life expression as finding new ways to superseed old ways of thinking and being within interrelations. To pivot away by using self mastery and shielding while we transmute fragmented programs between each other assists stabilization. This means working with a long handled spoon if  there is alot of discordance surfacing. Allowing the other space to do required work. Stepping up and out and seeing while orientating from a higher perspective that this is a divine mission.

By not focusing on the negative energies being represented as part of the flush ,yet the new brilliance rising from beyond. Can we see anew? Can we see and move past the shadow? Can we create a new life, a new way of being here on earth? Can we forgive, will we heal? Can we come into and hold a state of balance through out all expression and interaction? Recognizing the Presents or gifts the beloved is offering to you and taking the organic energy as the fundamental truth. We then allow the false to Fall into the old world energy streams dissipating out from current realities. As a process which is  paramount to find release and resolve within the reconciliation of divine union.

Identify your weaknesses, reveal and upsurge your mastery into action, clear your channels and addictions to energetic discordance. Remove yourself from the dramas, invoke your power into direct and specific action. We are not victims within this game, nor are we the perpetrators, we are the gleaming consciousness streams that beckon us to recreate home via our specific sanctuary of peace.

Each moment is new, a new possibility, a new window, new potential to be something different. All that holds us back is being revealed as we practice this walk, which is not supposed to be easy. Now as the pace accelerates we must build and grow into new rhythms to match the divine call. How do we call ourselves warriors when we do not embrace the battles and be the art of war? Remember your divine nature as all encompassing being of Light and know that your essence will superseed all that dares to diminish its affects.

Boundary assertion within Sacred Union

Electromagnetic multidimensional compounding sensory body over loads, full spectrum field activations, dispensations, regeneration, collapse and reverberations, template reversals, monadic reorders, ancestral clearing.


A full spectrum comprehension of our multidimensional nature and frequency allocation assists to generate a reference framework in which to facilitate the various manifestations of energetic reordering.

Determined by the fundamental frequency of creation each ray will allocate to specific tasks or roles, the streams will engage within avatar or mastery prototypes, archetypal molds ,angelic realms, star being lineages, which all intercept, at varying rates into the various bodies form, emotional, mental, spiritual grounding into earth.

Within creation matrices where levels of light and dark co exist life/anti life expression is evolving/devolving according to each instance of divine order and right proportion.

As activation, resolve and  harmonization orders through all levels an awareness of higher etherical knowing to practical grounded sense is an application of balanced proportion when dealing with the various aspects of energetic reordering.

Template Reversals: Twin Flames will embody various distorted templates which will play out through the various bodies. Some layers will need to be dropped for disillusionment, some are to be reintegrated and some are to be returned to void or source. This process generates new space for the refresh to occur and right order to anchor.

Within this transit on the earth plane in physical form, this may manifest as your partner betraying you, abandoning you, playing games with your mental/emotional body as the various levels of discordance are moving , are migrating out as a result of the presence of your fundamental frequency compounding to each other.


Now, the nature of twin flame is to stand as constant, to uphold the connection, to not let the counter fall. So how can one find balance within this dynamic when such turbulence is presenting. Boundaries, neutrality, standing and facing the flames and not getting burnt. This is achieved by knowing there is a greater program in affect, that this is a ripple from the ocean but it is not the core truth, it is an illusion a shadow front, a distortion being corrected.

Therefore one can assert boundaries and protection, sealing your fields with various techniques and reasserting buffer zones- taking time and space to make sure one is fully grounded and in center for all engagements. Not falling for Fall tactics, but upholding integrity through right presence and stance not feeding the shadow. Love and leave some levels while the energies shift and settle, it is a divine dance we are here to master as practice of non attachment within a field where all one wants to do is merge.

Realizing that not all energies at each particular instance are integral to your specific mission of the pure tone reallocation of divine fundamental principals within this earth plane and beyond gives one the space to say NO!!!! Do not accept what feels “off “. Stand and invoke “I will be in my love and not extend out and engage within Fall dynamics” ..even if this means walking away from your beloved with no expectations.

Space within neutral stance allows incongruent patterns to fall..this will have the effect on the union as overall elevation and merge. So within each instance know that within separation or merge mastering balance, stillness and neutrality are key fields to assist within mastery on all levels.

When clearing, and one falls into fear : connect to your twins heart center…they are not gone, this is an opportunity to shift into higher modes of communication and being. Find your core stillness, and realize that we are within illusion we can feel and be deeper once we within ourselves have calmed down the various waves of turbulence rippling through.


Apply mental and visionary field boundaries as to not intuit Fall energetics which will be connecting and applying intense distortion back to you. Example, your twin is having sex with another, and you can feel, see and know what is going on. This does rip and tear your energy body as you awaken in the night to the energetic rampages. So seal, cut and remove lower construct lines. Remember only the pure union cords always stand..the rest is supposed to fall. So learning to be a master within the reorder. Distinguishing.

Learn when your integral energies are being siphoned by a false twin engagement with your beloved, Call back your energies to yourself. Do not let the lower energies consume your life force along with your twins!  Just because we are twin flames does not mean we are food for the machine!

Within divine union or twin flame harmonization this process is integral and trying at best. Especially within the days of reunion where the etherical components are now grounding into physical realities to hold this highly refined frequency combination.


Twin Flame Union is not a walk in Love and Light

Twin Flames are here to anchor the Christ Consciousness as template holders prototyping Sacred Union into all levels of existence.  Original Union Beings are incarnate to reorder Fallen energetic aspects back into Wholeness acting as bridges to the eternal. This is a monumental task which encompasses entire life streams and produces lives which manifest less then what current 3d models of love, romance and perfected cookie cutter dreams are made of.


TF have incarnated into simultaneous multiple severely intense distorted patterns which hold humanity locked down in  disorders such as mental,physical, sexual , and enslavement.

The divine purpose of the union souls is to work in tandem from within a wrapper of harmonized energetic return as a safety net to be able to Fall deep into fragmentation and hold the ability to reestablish divine order through right proportion and energetic allocation due to the root energetic of creation is unification. Beyond the soul template as being created this action in its self holds polarity so beyond the core union, there is also a form of reunification to the One.

Twin sets can be created at various stations or dimensional levels hence the ray allocation and distribution range. Hence the capability for catalyst union matches at specific instances for higher tone twins is capable as stepping stone actions within the process of evolution. At each instance when one feels the heart activation this is a valid twin for this intercept and the constant ability to remain malleable through transits persists in the action of love and release and allowance for greater soul mission to proceed.

Each intercept twin union is there to build fortification and help resolve issues at specific stations. Within the false light system there is mention and confusion to resting with one person as twin, this locks energetics and seals process. Key indicators are the ability of the counter part to continuously shift up and into new stations along side. If there is a distinctive cut off or block this is indicator the catalyst twin and yourself have resolved to this particular range and an upgrade partner will manifest until the origin match is established. We need to detach from the form representation as this can be a lock down of false energetics to entrap our process.

Freedom of movement is always key within integral life flows and this leads us into the primary action of twin flame union is the base or primary integral templating. This is the fundamental stream of pure Truths the inner knowing of what is right order which the original twins hold internal as aspects of make up. When working in tandem whenever disorder is encountered it is applied to pure Truth through the union. Where ever deviance is present the twins will spring into action using the fundamental wrapper of love to reconcile through push and pull mechanics of their union. This push and pull effect is devastatingly painful within all bodies of the twins mission. As the various deep patterns are experienced as realities and the deepest darkest wounds are called up. Twins are propelled into the depths of hell like existence to feel into and know through lived experience the compounding reverberation of the Fall mechanics. Each twin holds degrees of various pattern sets yet one will do the dirty work of activating through action and embodiment while the counter part will commence to resolve through the correction of deviation representing through the union upholding by Right Order-thus a toning of the disordered reverberations is reconciled together.


Harmonization adjusts and corrects Fall energetics using the return call of the base love frequency as the paramount tone. Depending upon the pattern infusion or distribution throughout dimensional levels the time space representation of the harmonization can span many years. Twins are exponential within reordering power and any time spent in separation heals eons of wounded templating.

Having a robust comprehension of twin dynamics and mechanics through a multidimensional spectrum can assist twins within process through out all stations of being. Fundamentally all is in right order, yet to provide valued assistance to the lower mind is also equally important as we are coming into the days of a fully harmonized state of being represented within the earth plane. As more sets harmonize, ground and unify the mechanics will synchronize and fields will present to uphold future waves to provide comfort and guidance through each station of being.

Therefore holding reverence, within balance for the self and counterpart, honoring each and all associated actions with boundaries which are correct and sit for you at each instance will bring resolve to a particular transit. Knowing that the mission is so much grander then the small mind could ever fathom and is asking for the participation of the totality of being to be ever present.


Walk-In Twin Flames

The Divine plan to interject harmonized pure Source frequency streams into specific intercepts and the dimensional continuum is a realization within process that there is a mechanism for soul template update and primary frequency band reallocation and redistribution through the walk in effect. There is alot of information on walk ins as soul template swaps but this information here differs in that this speaks of the pure Source light beings outside of creation- whom never before incarnated -aspects of Primary Being are here opening corridors to set the tones of the primary ascension codes here on Earth Bridging in through very significant gates such as the Egyptian Sirian Indigo and the Tibetan Shambhala Root Gates.

Indigo Sirian Egypt where the energetic arcs for 6th(third eye) dimensional access are held. As the Indigos come to seed this plane the Arcs are in place to superseed the oppression through specific corridors. Hence the Indigos are beings acting as various levels of polarity integrators adjust and harmonize to assist the fluid evolution of the reseed to hold the template reordering through multiple levels of their energetic spectrum.

Tibetan Shambhala Root harmonic redistribution cycles are setting the new earth platforms and unification grids in harmony to the third eye 6th gate star fundamental frequencies. These corridors are the return routes of the Maitreya encodings of the Twin Flame templating here to anchor and seed Christ Consciousness as a redistribution of an embodiment for the whole.sitting

The walk in aspects of the twin flame templating occur as portions of the soul template become redistributed or the fundamental template channel is updated in one fell swoop this can as well have a graduated preparatory stage.  Therefore at a set interval one twin aspect will undergo soul collapse and then re-infuse with the update. So it can be seen as an exponential update which will take months to years to fully integrate to form.

The Twin counter part may as well integrate the primary upgrade through sequential step up processes as a reverberation of the adjustment and the effects are such as spontaneous awakening where the consciousness does not undergo the extreme drop out of soul fundamental aspect collapse but instead augments the soul template updates in smaller sequences over time. The divine is now acting through direct intervention now as one aspect has opened the primary door/pathway so to say then balances to the counterpart throughout the continuums.


Balancing Dark Mother Energetics within Divine Union

The Dark Mother aspects, as created through the Fall of the Sophia energies is the distortion portion of the fallen feminine aspect for resurrection within union. These field manifestations present through out all levels of our Being. Each chakra/energy hub level has a specific representation and a subsequent adaptation to embody inorder to reorder the energetic field. Through core navigation and scanning one can determine the DM field and its subsequent effects. This is a fundamental to the False Twin templating.


The DM template seeds into specific corridors and through Twin Flame Starseeds who incarnate to reverse these templates from the inside out as the imbalances are identified and consciously corrected. A primary hub or seat for the DM is behind the high heart, where there is a gate into the earth elemental libraries. To move beyond your high heart and recalibrate to your original tones one will meet the energy of the DM and as one stands in witness to the field one feels the intense reverberations of core pain and wounding. The abandonment, betrayal, and neglect. She cries so deep for us to hear and manifests these expressions through our fields compounding into expansive explosions of energies and degregating pain body reverberations also tearing into our cellular infrastructure, she bleeds pain and cries for assistance. So we can recognize her and stand in Love for her reunion to the Source. We, working within the framework of divine union can harmonize her fallen aspects back into full integration within the Whole. She is a counter part to the False Twin template where she holds the space for the distortions to anchor and seed. Along with the Fallen masculine and influence of fallen energetic streams the False Twin system pull and separate Twins out into further fragmentation the original Twin Flame Unions.

False Twin Flame templating is intermixed or combined and housed at various stations of Being and it is through this identification and reunification Twin Flame distortions can be corrected and adjusted to harmonized the entire field effect of the Union and all subsequent grids. Therefore commencing with the root origins of Fallen Masculine and Fallen Feminine we can trace and correct the Fallen Union Templates.

As with all, Dark Mother is a catalyst for growth and propulsion when seen and revered while harmonized into proper balance she holds keys into the depths of our essence and opens doors into the full spectrum of realization beyond the false light systems as she is primordial being.